Thursday, February 05, 2009
Wednesday, March 07, 2007
hi. this blog is posted by a kind soul named huimin. because michaerl cant get into sorry i kinda abandoned this blog, due to some stupid people who sent the stupid virus to me den i kana grounded from using the com to go to any sites except neopets and hotmail.. sian sia.. lols alot of stuffs happened.. but i shall not elaborate too far.. the feeling i have now is.. HAPPY & SAD at the same time..
that facial expression was cool~ haha! oopsie im lame.. hmm.. yahh back to the topic.. wad had happened? hmm.. i kinda like someone.. hee hee =)) but seems like i've got love rivals, so its a =(( again.. haizz..... lololol and i know more people these few days esp the sec 1s in tk.. some of them are just so cute =D
hmm yahh.. lemme describe about the cohort camp a little.. it was DISGUSTING.. stupid rain.. i used to love rain and used to love playing basketball in the rain.. but in the camp? rain? NAHHH! not welcomed. it was ridiculous.. we payed so much jus to go there and waste our time waiting for the rain to stop and we didnt even get to play any high element stuffs.. esp our class.. stupid sia.. the only activity which appeals more to me was is captains ball which had a water balloon 2 marks, air balloon 4 marks, and a secret ball which was 7 marks! the ELLIS'S SMELLY SMELLY YUCKISH BOOTIC! [duno how to spell] it like omfwgggg!! eeee.. i'll never ever forget.. and yah lah still got many disgusting stuffs about the camp lah.. overall i kinda hated the camp..
and yahh for the last two week's weekends i have been quite busy =D dont ask me why cuz i wont really answer u but some people know hee hee =) looking forward to this saturday and i'll find a chance to sneak into blogger to blog next time. tata for now =P
what we could have been, 5:28 PM.
Thursday, February 01, 2007

im siao siao today! =P super enthu when school ended.. also duno why.. but i think the reason is cuz ytd super quiet after school, except when talking on the bus, den today super hyper =D
what we could have been, 4:49 PM.
Wednesday, January 31, 2007
i dreamt of some of the fruitlings when i was sleeping in class today. -.-" today was boring.
and im starting to be emo. again. but i shall just deny that i am alright? so, i shall say
im NOT emo. i dont know why. im just feeling so fustrated and pissed off with almost everything i see. but of course im not emo until even when my fren talk to mi i'll just ignore. i'll just try not to vent my anger-ness on people. i dont even know if i am angry. okay. maybe im feeling emo because of the dream i had yesterday night. it was really a bad omen for me. i hate that dream. just hope that the dream would not come true. and thank you dean for talking to mi on the buses. although its merely just talking, it really relieved off parts of the stress load on mi now.
what we could have been, 4:43 PM.
i woke up at 5.30am and was like "oh man! die, sure late liao" as i have to leave home at 5.40am. but in the end, i managed to finish bathing, brushing teeth, tie-ing hair, packing bag, wearing socks and drinking a cup of water within 10 minutes! wooooo! how cool is that. =)
lol anyways, im starting to love another kind of jelly, due to a sweet kind soul who gave it to mi today morning =D

yes, the jelly in the above picture. its is quite nice. i think today's the first time i tried this in mango flavour. =) fell in love at first "sight". cool yea?
well, there isnt anything much to say about today except that today morning i was a little high due to who know wad reasons. example, i was stoning at the table, then i said "i'm angry". then i said "no! i cant be angry, im happy". i seem to be contradicting myself but.. who cares?! so, nvm. LOL.
and i think im having a spilt emotion today. emo + hyper. i scolded alot of people today. as in not scold la, just pissed off and giving them either a black face or talking to them in a frustrated tune. and i just realised that ncc land people has an impact on my current life. why? let mi tell u why in point forms.
#1 lesser noises in class
#2 no one to talk to in mother tongue class
#3 see lesser faces
#4 more inquires about them from teachers
#5 and lastly and the most importantly, i have to keep for them ALL their worksheets and readers digest. adds on to the chairman's job! >.<
Yinshuang . Gwen . Sandy . Gene .Merilyn . Astrid . Mi
Isabel . Gwen . Sandy . Yinshuang . Gene . Merilyn . Astrid . Mi
Mi . Sandy . Astrid . JJand this JJ, is a bass from catholic high, knew him thru astrid cuz they're from same church. haha he gave mi a heart he folded using starbucks straws =)

cool huh? sweet person. oh yah there's another person from catholic high i got to know online and he sent mi a goodnight sms plus "*hugs*". so sweet~ are all catholic high boys all like this? =D
what we could have been, 5:56 PM.
Saturday, January 27, 2007
hi im back. didnt went for choir today due to the sneezing. slept till like 1plus today? haha. i found an interesting thing. this is called Lateral Thinking. just check this out. scroll down slowly and be honest to yourself. highlight for answers.
board Ans.
man overboardOkay, let's see if you've got the hang of it.
i Ans.
I understandGot the drift? Let's try a few more now and see how you fare.
/r/e/a/d/i/n/g/ Ans.
reading between the linesr
d Ans.
cross roadnot having a good day now huh? redeem yourself. =)
cycle Ans.
tricycle 0
Ph.D. Ans.
two degrees below zeroknee
light Ans.
neon light ( knee - on - light )u can prove u r smart by getting this one.
feet feet feet feet feet feet Ans.
six feet undergroundecnalg Ans.
backward glancedeath .. life Ans.
life after deathokay last chance =P
think big ! !ababaaabbbbaaaabbbbababaabbaaabbbbabababbbaaa... Ans.
long time no 'C' ( see )
okay. i know that this quiz is like so lame. but its quite interesting yea? x) and there was a soccer match between malaysia and singapore. surprisingly singapore won. wow~ hahas and i knew it when singapore won, cuz i heard screamings from the opposite block which is like 8-10metres away from my block and i was eavesdropping my sister's conversation =) hee hee im feeling quite happy today and i still dont know why.
what we could have been, 11:24 PM.
hello. im sneezing. cuz i just bathed with no heater =(
im so happy that i passed the SYF audition!! wheeeeeee~ btw went to georgina the cutest senior's house! so cool lah her house. i wish i stayed there =P school's like just opposite her house and can see wad happening in the school la.. no fair.. can spy people everyday.. just the right spot for people like mi! hee hee im a ticoma! jkjk

so cool! this pic was taken from her room view! =D so cool lah den can talk to georgina everyday when i walk the overhead bridge. heh heh. and jus taken a picture which has georgina in it with mi and astrid.

georgina is just so cute! and i jus found out that she's multi talented neh. smart, cute, pretty, plays piano & violin & basketball and friendly! =D
what we could have been, 10:09 PM.
Thursday, January 25, 2007
i was so bored. so i was playing with adobe photoshop again -.-"
Shar & Mi! =D
Looks so sad.
Ryan Mi & Shar!ohya, and today's post is to describeone point about TK. =) our school, as u can observe, is so full of green. school dress green, pillars alot of them are green, and the school badge and flag are also green!

nice right our school flag? cuz its green! green is a pleasant looking colour. and its good for the eyes! so if you happen to study in TK, or u happen to go to TK, the most common colour u will see is green.. Green.. GREEN!! =D

even when i want to look at the no entry sign which is red, i still see lots of green.

looking at the technical block from the canteen. Green again. hahas what a nice environment to study in. oh ya, and the principal, which is called duno mr lim or mr lee, seemed to be so free everyday after school, he came to talk to us everyday in this week when he saw us. and as he mentioned today, having stress is good. and not too much would be fine. or else u will end up like the following picture..

trying to commit suicide. this is mad. who on earth would wanna jump down from level 3 if u want to commit suicide?! wont die and will pain like siao somemore.. must be some mad people's feet there.. i wonder who? =D
what we could have been, 7:07 PM.
hi! haha today skipped morning assembly and avoided a scolding from mr vincent tan cuz i didnt sign the class log almost everytime =P i went to tkps to sing "Do You Hear What I Hear" and "Kerraban Sape". it got screwed up, but anyway, skip that part and the boring lessons part until school bell rang. DiNG DoNG~ hahaha that was retarded. den eileen said she wanted to go city plaza, duno why ended up staying back at school till 5plus i think. micracle-ly [<<>.< i got blackmailed and the terence yak tried to force mi into saying my secret, but of course he failed to =P a picture i just edited. it looks wrong. cuz its girl and girl but.. who cares LOL =P
what we could have been, 6:55 PM.
hihi! im back and i've decide not to stick to the fridays posts rule thingy cuz aiya, difficult for mi to be organised one la -.-" and everyone knows that. im here to post about yesterday. the apple, coconut, grape, orange, papaya, soursop, strawberry, watermelon plus ryanlim went to marina square to celebrate son/honeydew's birthday =) i'll jus put pictures and describe abit here and there will do =D drumrolls please.
my toner value for art rocks! hee hee
the pile of sai we create at pizza hut =D and mummy didnt pay for lunch -.-"
the bombo ghost is back again~ woooooooo~
1st shot. i left too early
2nd shot. successful attempt =D
that aint my place
we had to pay this much money for the kbox bill, plus some coins that added up to $200 over dollars! HMPH! dont like kbox liao la if i need to pay.
the method we chose to went our anger on =)
and later on, mi, eileen, mark, leon and ryan went to tampines mall for dinner.
markie barkie stood on a chair + table + tall ladder one! =P haha!!!
i tried to be as emo as i can le.
see.. im taller okay! =D
leon is quite a nice guy =) thank mi for praising u leon!! =D
ok done i guess thats all, and if u havent noticed, i didnt put pictures of the birthday boy yet cuz almost all kana deleted -.-"
what we could have been, 9:49 PM.
Thursday, January 18, 2007
okok im gonna try to post one post per week. and i'll post on every friday only starting from the next post onwards. so im only going to edit posts. =D
today's a thursday, 18th Jan, real
ERJIE's 20th birthday. she's another lao ah ma liao! hee hee =) and 20th Jan which is my
SON's "birthday" is on this Saturday! what a great news to announce that im going bankcrupt! x( haha nahh just joking, i still have money. still got who birthday ah? oh ya! my
JIEJIE leslie kor's birthday is 25th Jan which is one week away from now! =D what a happy week
what we could have been, 8:10 PM.
Tuesday, January 16, 2007
what we could have been, 5:37 PM.
what we could have been, 6:02 PM.